July 27, 2024

About Me

Sean Kjetil Nordbo in the mountains

Yes, it’s time for yet another page of endless dribble about some pathetic someone. If you care to read on, perhaps you will find a trinket of intrigue.

Some facts
I’m simply another person, complete with my quirks and desires. Or, in Descartes’ view, I am simply a ‘thinking thing.’ Was born as male in Stavanger (westcoast of Norway) back in 1971. Moved around in Norway and the nordic countries for a while when I was much smaller then I am now. From 2003 i changed bed to Asia and Australia. Lived in Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia and India before I returned home to my beloved hometown again in 2001.

Until 2003 I worked as a computer engineer in the armed forces of Norway. While in Asia and Australia I worked as a PADI Scuba Diving Instructor and Dive Resort Director. After I returned home I worked as a General Manager at a hotel before I changed my work to Consultant Manager at Technogarden AS. Now I create customer happiness at Kolumbus AS as the customer service manager and ticket fare control manager. You can find my updated CV on LinkedIn.

My family
Got a little brother and a little sister. My brother live in Sandnes (westcoast of Norway) and my sister live in Tou – a boatride from Stavanger.

My brother Kenneth (born 1974) is married to his beloved Tina. They managed to produce the two cutest kids in the world and are proud parents of Andreas an Linnea. Kenneth and I have really developed a strong brother to brother relationship since around 1990. Before that we just had the normal relationship that you find in most families, where I as the big brother had to take care of this little dull monster. He currently works as a personal trainer after jumping of corporate life.

Katrine is my sister (born in 1981). This is a girl that I owe a LOT of time to, since I haven’t been the best big brother. I hope that I can make this up to her at some point in my life, because she deserves more then I have been able to give her. She is together with Kenneth (no, not my brother) and have two kids as well in Liam and Lucas.

Real personal
Well, maybe the headline here promises more then i can give, we will see how far this will go. I thought I should mention some people like more details than others do, so be warned, if you think this is too much just jump to another section.

One of my biggest passions is music, and my preferences mainly lie in the realm of pop, rock and rap. REM, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eminem, Robbie Williams, Morten Abel, Thomas Dybdahl, Kent, although in my sizeable collection you would find contrasts such as Vivaldi, De Lillos, Kaizers Orchestra, Cat Stevens, Louis Armstrong and a lot more. I do not have any favourite band of all time since my taste is still developing … but when I’ve got a favourite band at some point I’ll let you all know.

I have been active in different organisations, some of these are Youth Against Drugs (UMN), Natur og Ungdom, Youth against European Union, Sosialistisk Ungdom and Sosialistisk Venstreparti. These fine organisations have been a part of my life, but I am not connected to any of them today. Why, you may ask. Well, I developed from a child to an adult and in that process I was provided with a brain. So now I am an active member of The Humanist Association of Norway, the Norwegian Mountain Trekking Association and LO.

Recently I have become very fond of the gym and visit SATS Herbarium six days a week where I practice calisthenics. My biggest role model in that regard is Frank Medrano, but I also learn from Al Kavadlo and Corey Hall. Progress is slow as I began from zero, but I have faith that I will reach my goal one day.

This is the only website I have running at the moment. I am however active on Facebook and LinkedIn. Until recently I owned Asiaforum.no – the largest community for Asia in Norway, but I sold it after having it for 13 years to someone with some more time and resources to spare.

When it comes to other people’s opinions of me as a person I simply disregard it. People have a choice, either accept me as I am or don’t … very simple.

Otherwise, I am a member of several organisations, some of which are these:

The Labor Party – As a social democrat with another inclination to the left, I am a natural member and local politician in this great party. Working hard for less inequality and better social distribution, a good local environment, development of society in a digital age, climate policy and much else that is important in our time. I am one of the active volunteers who volunteer when I can.

Norwegian Humanist Association – If you are a humanist, atheist or agnostic, this is a completely natural organization to join. here I have been local team leader for a large local team, course leader for several humanistic confirmation groups, instructor in HEF training, ambassador in collaboration with Norwegian People’s Aid with travel to Iraq and information out into Norwegian society. In addition to many other things, and now I work in the organization.

The national works organization in Norway, LO – Trade unions are absolutely essential in the Norwegian social model, which has led to a good life for most of those who live here. Having the employee side as a strong party against the employer side and the governing power is absolutely necessary in a balance to ensure that working people get the rights in society that create a good life.

Naturvernforbundet – Climate and environmental issues are challenging to deal with in a good way that means that together we find solutions for the future. Being part of an organization where you can work together with like-minded people to make this happen is important.

Professional Association of Diving Instructors – I became a professional member of PADI in 2005 when I first joined after becoming a diving instructor, and have been a member of the world’s largest diving organization ever since.

Should you have any further questions about me, what I have done and what I plan to do, you are most welcome to contact me via the contact page on this blog.