July 27, 2024

Own projects

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With a constant urge to explore in the body, it quickly becomes the case that you have a number of projects underway. Fortunately, I see my own limitations and therefore I eventually manage to give away, sell or simply end projects that I feel I no longer have time for. Often because a new project comes along and you realize that there are only 24 hours in the day after all. Even for someone who lives as if it has at least twice as many.

There are many projects that have been given away, ended or sold. Some of them are Indonesia.no (was Norway’s biggest resource on Indonesia with many hundreds of self-written articles and own photos), which unfortunately was not properly managed after it was sold and is therefore gone now. Asiaforum.no (is Norway’s largest website about Asia that I built up and is responsible for a great many posts on), has been continued after being sold without having any direction at the moment it seems. And you can continue like this. But it is perhaps more interesting to look at projects that I am working on today.

The following projects I am actively working on today, in addition to this active blog:

Digiguru.no – Is a website to promote my expertise within digital and social media. I have built up websites, manage social media and hold courses for organizations up and coming as well as other interested parties. This site will slowly but surely be built up.

UnbelievableIndia.no – After living for over 5 years in India, and building up a large company on Havelock Island in the Andaman Islands, I have unique expertise in parts of this country within tourism, culture and business life. Also has many contacts on several levels through active acquaintances. This site will slowly but surely be built up.

Nordbo.me – Is my blog in English which was created several years ago while I was in Asia. It is not updated as frequently anymore, but there are some interesting articles there that are well worth reading.