July 27, 2024

Sean Kjetil Nordbo

Enthusiastic and energetic. Love life and all it has to offer. A lover of humans, animals, technology, the universe and everything else that is good.

Hot Chili

Hot! Hot!

I uncover some really cool facts about chillies. Surprisingly, chillies were not known in South-east Asia – home to many of the world’s hottest cuisines – until the New World was discovered. The Spanish introduced them to Europe in 1514, and the...


Noi – a typical thai bargirl

I was born into a small village in Isaan, in the north east of Thailand. My mother and father worked hard as farmers and did there very best to give me a good life. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters but I am the youngest in the family. I am lucky to...


Free things to do in Oslo

Oslo is the largest city in Norway and the country’s economic hub, with a true-to-its-roots leaning toward maritime trade and industries. But a ruffian Viking heritage and a number two spot among the world’s most expensive cities in 2010 are no...

ATM in Bangkok

Walking ATM-machines in Thailand

The 10 commandments below have over the years become a local joke for the locals that live in Thailand. They are not originally written by me, I have just picked them up. Each and every one of them are not necessarily true, but this who know how...

Air Asia

Messy Air Asia

My only experience with Air Asia was a flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok a year or so ago. I remember it as pretty ordinary with the exception of some smaller incidents. Not more than one could expect when saving a little bit of money by flying a...

Bintan Island, Indonesia

Bintan – A whole new world

Taking a ferry from Singapore to the island of Bintan, Indonesia for a relaxing break. Being a stone’s throw from Singapore those who are time-starved can get some R&R just 55 minutes away by ferry. Bintan Island, Indonesia, offers all the...

Banksy – The unknown streetartist

Banksy – The unknown streetartist

Whether plastering cities with his trademark parachuting rat, painting imagined openings in the West Bank barrier in Israel, or stenciling “We’re bored of fish” above a penguins’ zoo enclosure, Banksy creates street art with an irreverent wit and an...

Indian Eyes in Chennai

Ten reasons to love Chennai

As my next destination is the Andaman Islands I need to do a stopover in Chennai (also known as Madras) in India and I thought it could be a good idea to find some more facts on this Indian city before I arrive. When I was digging up facts I could...

Building base jump in Shanghai.

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves

No one likes the feeling of being lost. Like utterly, truly, lost. And we fight it like crazy. It’s why people hire life coaches. I’ve been hearing this a lot lately, that the source of their pain is this feeling of being “lost.” “I just don’t know...